Let's Get Dirty...

How Not to Kill Plants, Part 1 - Watering

How Not to Kill Plants, Part 1 - Watering

Lindsey Shaw

If you clicked on this, you may have killed a plant or two already. Let me clue you in on something. Every plant parent has, and will, at some point...

How Not to Kill Plants, Part 1 - Watering

Lindsey Shaw

If you clicked on this, you may have killed a plant or two already. Let me clue you in on something. Every plant parent has, and will, at some point...

Growth Pattern Matters

Growth Pattern Matters

Lindsey Shaw

Do you want it to grow up? Or Down? Or pooooosssibly, tucked in? Just kidding. Kind of.  Growth pattern matters. Knowing how your plant is going to develop as it...

Growth Pattern Matters

Lindsey Shaw

Do you want it to grow up? Or Down? Or pooooosssibly, tucked in? Just kidding. Kind of.  Growth pattern matters. Knowing how your plant is going to develop as it...

Pest Prevention 101

Pest Prevention 101

Lindsey Shaw

I want to start this by telling you that every plant parent experiences pests at some point, and that having to deal with pests does not make you a bad...

Pest Prevention 101

Lindsey Shaw

I want to start this by telling you that every plant parent experiences pests at some point, and that having to deal with pests does not make you a bad...

Surviving Winter With House Plants

Surviving Winter With House Plants

Lindsey Shaw

When the environment changes, so must our plant care. Changes in seasons mean our indoor plants require an adjustment in care to meet their also changing needs. We’re all familiar...

Surviving Winter With House Plants

Lindsey Shaw

When the environment changes, so must our plant care. Changes in seasons mean our indoor plants require an adjustment in care to meet their also changing needs. We’re all familiar...

Thrifting for Plant Stuff

Thrifting for Plant Stuff

Lindsey Shaw

When I look around at some of my coolest houseplant accessories, the majority of them were someone else’s first. At local thrift stores I’ve found vases, drip trays, pots, shelves,...

Thrifting for Plant Stuff

Lindsey Shaw

When I look around at some of my coolest houseplant accessories, the majority of them were someone else’s first. At local thrift stores I’ve found vases, drip trays, pots, shelves,...

Repotting Season

Repotting Season

Lindsey Shaw

If you plan to have plants for a while, I can confidently predict repotting in your future. While the foliage grows visibly, the roots are growing beneath the soil, and...

Repotting Season

Lindsey Shaw

If you plan to have plants for a while, I can confidently predict repotting in your future. While the foliage grows visibly, the roots are growing beneath the soil, and...